Friday, April 10, 2015

Country Churchyard: April 10, 2015

I'm planning to begin Jacob's Room next week with luck (That's the first time I've written that.) It's the spring I have in my mind to describe; just to make this note -- that one scarcely notices the leaves out on the trees this year, since they seem never entirely to have gone-- never any of that iron blackness of the chestnut trunks -- always something soft and tinted; such as I can't remember in my life before. In fact, we've skipped a winter; had a season like the midnight sun; a new return to full daylight.  So I hardly notice that chestnuts are out -- the little parasols spread on our window tree; and the churchyard grass running over the old tombstones like green water.  (AWD 24)

Churchyard at Southease, early spring
Diary of Virginia Woolf
April 10, 1920

1 comment:

  1. I have had a similar experience over the past few winters here in east-central Saskatchewan (Canada). Usually the winters are dead cold, and dry. But in recent years there has been moisture in the air, and so there have been winters when some of the leaves hung on year-round. Also, in the past couple years, the perennials manage to keep a few leaves green -- above ground, under the snow. This is new to me; as I recall, nothing survived above the ground and remained GREEN. Anyway ... loving your entries, they are just right, nice dips into Virginia Woolf's sensibilities.
